Project 2: Home Autolocking System

Project setup
The system may be installed at house/office. When the system is activated for the first time, the user needs to key in the password. PIC microcontroller will keep the chosen password inside its memory. To use the system, the user will press the correct codes according to the chosen password to open the door. If the user fail to key in correctly for three times, the system will activate its security sytem by beeping a buzzer.
The system is also equipped with a magenetic sensor to detect any person who tries to intrude the house. A snapshot camera is attached to the microcontroller to snap that person. An electric bolt is used as a locking element which has the same function with solenoid/megnetic lock. If there is power failure to the system, the locker will open itself.

Orcad schematic design of controller and motor driver.

PCB layout design of controller and motor driver.
Video on tape 

Mod manual:
Sistem ini boleh dipasang pada pintu rumah/pejabat. Apabila sistem dihidupkan kali pertama, pengguna diminta memasukkan kata laluan password dan dipaparkan pada paparan LCD. PIC akan menyimpan password tersebut didalam memorinya. Setiap kali ingin memasuki pintu, pengguna akan memasukkan password yg betul utk membolehkan pintu dibuka. Kegagalan memasukkan password yg betul menyebabkab pintu tidak boleh dibuka. Jenis locking system yg digunakan adalah jenis solenoid/magnetic lock,iaitu pintu akan terbuka jika berlaku power failure pd system.

Mod Auto:
Pintu rumah akan dipasang sejenis sensor (magnetic sensor) untuk mengesan penceroboh sekiranya pintu diceroboh tanpa menggunakan password. Apabila diceroboh, sensor akan menghantar satu data kpd PIC untuk membunyikan alarm (buzzer). Sistem juga boleh diupgrade dgn menambahkan sejenis kamera untuk menangkap imej penceroboh tadi.

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