Project 15 : Solar Sliding Autogate System

 24V DC motor

Original controller

Controller after modification

Solar battery, controller and door gate


Generally an autogate system is installed at home and powered by domestic wall plug at 240Vac. With some modification it can be powered with solar power as long as it has a backup battery. The backup battery is rated at 12Vdc but the motor used in this system normally operate at 24Vdc. With 12Vdc battery, the opening gate process runs at half of the maximum speed and quite slower. If we wish to run at maximum speed, the 24V system is advised to be used.

Solar power can be used to power the system. The size of the solar system can be 12Vdc or 24Vdc. To use 24Vdc, we need to alter the existing controller. To use additional remote controller, we need to build an interfacer board to trigger the existing controller. Basically, some external ports are provided for us to interface the system with remote or RFID reader/tag. 
Prinsip operasi

Sebuah projek pintu gate automatik menggunakan tenaga elektrik/solar. Kebiasaannya tenaga elektrik biasa 240V digunakan dan bateri digunakan sebagai backup kpd sistem. Namun utk sistem ini, tenaga adalah 100% drpd solar digunakan utk mengecas bateri 12V, 7Ah. Bateri yg dipasang disarankan pd kadaran Ah lebih tinggi misalnya 20Ah untuk memastikan sistem senantiasa beroperasi lancar dalam keadaan mendung/hujan berterusan.

Sistem asal telah dimodifikasi dgn menambahkan RF receiver utk membolehkan pengguna mengakses menggunakan remote lain selain yg dibekalkan. Ini boleh membantu pengguna yg acapkali kehilangan remote lama dan sukar utk membuat tempahan menggantikannya. Selain itu sistem boleh diupgrade menggunakan RFID reader/tag.


  1. I liked so much solar slider for electricity and your blog is great and nice.

  2. it was so good to read and very useful to update my skill as updated one.
    Auto Gate Repair

  3. hi boleh bagi detail tak macam mana nak convert controler tu supaya boleh digunakan dengan battery 24v supaya dia tak slow

  4. selepas u modify u tambah apa ye
