Project 3: Smart Kitchen Fire System

 Project setup
Schematic drawing

Layout drawing
Video on demand

The idea of a smart kitchen project is to develop an in house smart system for protecting our kitchen from danger when fire takes place, smoke or temperature rise. The project focuses on protecting our gas stove from exploding in case certain unnecessary situations happen. To implement this project, 3 types of sensor are being used in this system i.e fix heat temperature sensor, programmable temperature sensor LM35D and smoke detettor. The fix temperature sensor is a normally closed sensor which is rated at 50 to 57 degree celcius. Meanwhile the programmable temperature sensor LM35 can be programmed and its temperature is displayed in LCD. The smoke detector senses if there is any smoke produced by fire.

The PIC microcontroller will sense any one of these 3 sensors. In a normal mode, LCD will display "Normal Mode" to show that situation is under control, no fire or no smoke. In case a fire set in the kitchen, or temperature reaches 50 degree, or smoke appears in the kitchen, the controller will sense an early warning (set by programmable sensor at around 45 to 50 degree), thus producing an alert system i.e LED and buzzer to beep for 3 times. The LCD status display will turn to "Fire Alarm" and blink this alert for 3 times.

During the fire, an infrared sensor placed to the cooker will sense the position of cooking knob. If the cooking knob is used or the cooking process is running, the controller will send a signal to a stepper motor to turn clockwise so that the cooking knob is shut off. Only then, the cooking process is ended automatically without the user needs to turn it OFF manually. A switch is also provided for the user to deactivate the buzzer sound if he accidently trigger smoke (due to smoking) in the kitchen. Stepper motor is used in the system to control the cooking knob because it has high torque and power.
Asas Prinsip operasi iaitu terdapat 3 jenis sensor yg digunakan iaitu jenis fix heat temperature(57 darjah celcius), temperature IC LM35 ( diset over 50 darjar celcius) dan smoke detektor.  PIC akan mengesan mana2 satu drpd 3 jenis sensor ini sblm mengaktifkan penggera kebakaran. Pada keadaan normal LCD akan memaparkan bacaan suhu semasa dan text “Normal Mode” dipaparkan.  Jika PIC mengesan suhu  awal kebakaran (sekitar 50 – 57 darjah celcius), atau mengesan asap di dapur, maka controller akan aktifkan buzzer sebanyak 3 kali (LCD juga akan paparkan suhu semasa dan text “Fire Alarm” blinking sebanyak 3 kali).

Jika semasa kebakaran dapur digunakan (aktiviti memasak), sensor infrared akan mengesan kedudukan ON tombol laras kekuatan api, maka controller akan arahkan motor untuk memutar tombol laras api tadi ke arah kiri ke kedudukan OFF. Maka dapur masakan akan dipadamkan secara automatic apabila berlaku kebakaran. Suis SW1 boleh digunakan utk matikan bunyi buzzer semasa berlaku kebakaran. Motor yg digunakan untuk memacu dapur dr jenis stepper motor. Suis SW2 boleh digunakan jika jenis motor stepper lebih besar digunakan.

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