Project 14 : Incubator System

Bulb mounting

 Solar incubator

 Early test

 Finished prototype

Test sample

Temperature indicator


An incubator is used to incubate chicken/quail eggs for breeding process. An icubator must have filament lamps and a controller used to control the incubation temperature. The heat generated from filament lamps must be around 38-39 degree celcius so that the process works perfectly. A PIC controller is programmed to control the relay that turns on and off the AC supply connected to the filament lamps. An accurate programmable temperature sensor LM35D is commonly used for this purpose. LCD will indicate the current temperature and the system status.

Prinsip operasi

Sebuah projek inkubator untuk menetaskan telor puyuh/ayam. Mentol lampu digunakan dr jenis filamen (menghasilkan haba yg panas) pada kadaran 5W sebiji. Untuk menghidupkan mentol, litar PIC digunakan untuk mengawal on dan off relay yg menyambungkan mentol dan bekalan AC 240V. Temperature sensor LM35D mengesan suhu didalam inkubator, ia diprogram dan LCD memaparkan suhu tsbt. Suhu penetasan yg sesuai adalah sekitar 38-39 darjah celcius. Julat suhu yg sesuai sangat perlu utk membolehkan telor menetas dgn sempurna.

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